19-22 februar 2015

Västerbottens spelmansförbund

Västerbotten's Fiddler Association invites you to enjoy dance music by groups consisting of some of the association's members from throughout Västerbotten County. There's guaranteed to be lots of folk music, particularly from Västerbotten.

The following musicians perform to dances for Västerbotten's Fiddler Association.

Sorsele Spelmän

Carina Bergström
Hansi Karlsson
Robert Degerfalk
Anders Jönsson
Monica Degerfalk
Anna-Stina Fransson
Kesti Johansson
Carin Sjöström

Arvid & Johan

Arvid Staaf
Johan Lingegård

Catarina Abelli

The board working at our table

Hans-Ove Forssell
Ann-Sofie Persson
Mauri Eira
Mona Stjerndoorff
Inga-Britt Hultmar
Eva Zvalen
Eva Maherra-Lövheim
Staffan Lundmark